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Yacht Club Soda Sour Grapes

Yacht Club introduces ‘Sour Grapes’ soda based on comic strip from cartoonist Tim Jones

Local cartoonist and WUN contributor gets his own soda! In an unlikely collaboration, a popular comic strip from local cartoonist (and What’s Up Newp contributor) Tim Jones is now a tasty beverage from a local business. Perhaps not so unlikely, when you hear the details.

If you haven’t read it here on What’s Up Newp, where Jones’ strip runs weekly, Sour Grapes centers around the adventures of Aesop, “a miserable flying dog,” who regularly meditates on challenges he encounters in his daily life. The strip is quite popular, running in 47 papers across the country and reaching hundreds of thousands of readers...

• Watch the Studio 10 video
• Download the official press release